Fall Schedule Information

When will my Fall schedule be ready?

We will be busy crafting your schedule throughout the summer and it will be officially released during the week of August 5. If you view your schedule before that date, it may not be accurate.

Be patient as we are working hard to get you the best schedule we possibly can!

What will my schedule look like?

Each major/pathway will look a little different. Your schedule will include:

  • Courses directly for your major/pathway.
  • An Ithaca College Seminar
  • One or more electives towards your ICC requirements or classes towards the credits you must earn for classes outside of the Park school.

Check out these 8 semester sample plans to give you a better idea.

What if something doesn't look right on my schedule after the week of August 5th?

During orientation, we will have academic blocks that you will be meeting with advisors and Dean's office staff that can help if you have conflicts with your schedule.

Conflicts may include:

  • Registered accommodations with Student Accessibility Services
  • Athletic conflicts
  • Change of Major

If you have questions or concerns about your schedule prior to orientation, please email commdeansoffice@ithaca.edu.