How Are We Doing?

The campus climate at Ithaca College shapes the lives of all of us—students, faculty, and staff. Understanding deeply the varied experiences of our community is a critical part of continuing to improve how we work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable campus environment.
students walking across the quad with the fountains in the background
Campus Climate Survey Fall '24

Watch for more opportunities to share input on what you found most compelling about the results of our survey.

Community Presentation

Watch (or re-watch) the recording of the April 25, 2024, Campus Climate Survey Community Presentation. Users must log in with their IC credentials in order to access the recording. 

The Ithaca College 2023 Campus Climate Survey

Starting on October 17, Ithaca College has begun a fully confidential and transparent Campus Climate Survey, which will help give us a better understanding of the most pressing and vital concerns of our community. The campus climate survey was available through November 17, 2023, and is now closed. Our last climate assessment was conducted in 2016, and much has happened since then. Ordinarily, we would have conducted our next survey by 2020, but due to COVID, that survey was delayed until this fall. In the spring, we will report and discuss the results of the survey with the campus community.

Ithaca College will undertake a fully confidential and transparent Campus Climate Survey, which will help give us a better understanding of the most pressing and vital concerns of our community.

Student, Faculty, and Staff-Driven

The idea to conduct a campus climate survey originated from interested students, faculty, and staff who believed data from such a survey might be useful in planning for the future and improving the climate at Ithaca College. 

This qualitative and quantitative research effort will allow us to better understand the experiences of our community. We know from the research that thriving campus climates contribute directly to overall success for students, faculty, and staff. This information will help us better understand how members of our community experience harassment, bias, and a lack of support that can lead individuals to elect to leave the Ithaca College community. This is an opportunity for you to ensure your voice is part of this effort. 

2023 Campus Climate Survey Timeline

"This is your chance to make a difference in IC’s future, your opportunity to make positive, lasting changes and to help create a more inclusive campus."

La Jerne Terry Cornish, President

We Need You to Share Your Voice!

Ensuring inclusive and equitable campus experiences for all members of the community requires us to deeply listen and understand these often disparate experiences. You can help us by sharing your stories and encouraging others to do the same. 

Encourage your community members and colleagues to take part in activities surrounding taking the survey. Dates and registration will be listed on this website, as well as sent out via email. 

Spread the word and help us ensure that our campus community participates in the entire process.