Finding the right study abroad program, submitting application materials, and preparing for departure can be complicated. If you are not sure where to begin, look below for valuable step-by-step guidelines that will help you get started.
STEP 1: Consult with an academic advisor to discuss the possibility of spending a semester abroad
It is never too early to begin planning for a study abroad experience. We strongly encourage students to start the planning process during their freshman year with the guidance of their academic advisor and the Office of International Programs. This will ensure that academic progress will be made during a semester abroad.
STEP 2: Explore your Options
The next step in the process is to take some time to browse through the study abroad programs Ithaca College has to offer. Consider attending an information session or schedule a meeting with a study abroad advisor to discuss your options.
STEP 3: Register/Apply to the program
Once you have selected a program, your next step is to register for the program in our online study abroad database, Terra Dotta, then apply directly to the program.
STEP 4: Complete the post-acceptance requirements
After being accepted to a study abroad program, you will have post-acceptance requirements to complete for Ithaca College. These requirements will vary based upon the program you have selected: An Ithaca College program, exchange program, affiliated program, or non-affiliated program.