Program Learning Objectives

Our Athletic Training Graduates Will Demonstrate Clinical Capabilities Expected of Entry-Level Practice in the Following Integrated Domains of Practice:

  1. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of effectively seeking, appraising and using available evidence germane to the scope of athletic training practice and in consideration of patient context and individual level of clinical expertise
  2. Prevention & Health Promotion (PHP)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of educating, communicating, counseling, preventing and caring for athletic and active populations concerning the prevention, management and follow up care of common injuries, illnesses and conditions related to human performance and general wellness using appropriate evidence-informed principles & practices
  3. Clinical Examination, Dx & Management (CED-O), Part I-Orthopedic--The ATS will be CAPABLE of recognizing, evaluating and treating common acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in active patient populations using appropriate evidence-informed principles & practices, documentation standards; for the purpose of establishing pt. centered intervention plans
  4. Clinical Examination, Dx & Management (CED-GM), Part II-General Medical--The ATS will be CAPABLE of recognizing, evaluating, treating and referring common and problematic medical conditions and injuries in active patient populations using appropriate evidence-informed principles & practices, documentation standards; for the purpose of establishing pt. centered intervention plans
  5. Acute Care of Injury & Illness (ACI)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of recognizing, evaluating and managing emergent, acute and life-threatening conditions in active patient populations using appropriate evidence-informed principles & practices
  6. Therapeutic Interventions & Reasoning (TIR)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of designing, choosing, implementing, and evaluating effective, safe, functional and integrated therapeutic intervention programs in active patient populations using appropriate evidence-informed principles & practices
  7. Psychosocial Strategies & Referral (PSR)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of recognizing, managing and referring common and problematic mental health and psychosocial conditions in active patient populations using appropriate evidence-based principles & practices
  8. Healthcare Administration & Organization (HAO)--As part of a complex healthcare system & team, the ATS will be CAPABLE of effectively functioning, communicating, documenting, working, leading, and administering athletic training related services, facilities and provisions for active patient populations using appropriate evidence-based principles & practices and consistent with the NATA Foundational Behaviors of Professional Practice
  9. Professional Development, Behaviors & Responsibility (PDR)--The ATS will be CAPABLE of performing the many interconnected duties and responsibilities of an entry-level professional athletic trainer with efficiency, conviction, character and patient centered compassion by displaying the NATA Foundational Behaviors of Professional Practice