Get Involved with Experential Learning

Explore some of the many internships our students have done.

TARA STILLWELL, Sport Psychology 2022

Picture of Tara

Mental Conditioning Coach, IMG Academy

Tara spent the summer of 2021 as a mental conditioning coach at the IMG Academy in Bradenton Florida. 

"It was a great experience because I got to take everything I learned theoretically in classes and turn it into an applied situation. It was such a growth experience to turn mental skills education into applied mental skills training for thousands of athletes over the summer. What was challenging was running 15-18 sessions a week in the Florida heat but I’m forever grateful for the experience I got down there.'

TY TIMMERMAN, Sport Psychology 2022

Picture of Ty

Strength and Conditioning Intern, University of Georgia Football

Ty spent his last fall semester interning with Georgia football, working in what he described as "the most extensive and beautifully assembled weight room in the country".

ALYSSA CRUSEY, Human Performance 2022

Picture of Alyssa Crusey

Intern Maple Tree Cancer Alliance, Dayton, OH

"Working with maple tree was a very rewarding experience. Giving cancer patients workouts made me very grateful for my heatlh. Also showed the benefits of just getting up and moving. Patients moods before and after their session was night and day. It helped give them so much more energy, and they were so appreciative of anything we had for them."

SARAH SMITH, Exercise Physiology 2020

Picture of Sarah Smith

Previous internal, now hired Cardiac Therapist
Doylestown Health

Conducted orientations and designed programs with patients who experienced a cardiac event or underwent a procedure/surgery. Personalized exercise prescriptions were created and updated to ensure patient success in the program.