Highlights of the Visiting Team Report:

  • “Overall the level of performance was very strong and often inspired. Instrumentation in the orchestras and bands, and vocal distribution in the choruses were healthy and well balanced…Boldly, the student recital prepared for visitors was programmed and prepared entirely by students. It demonstrated an institutional commitment to student leadership and risk taking and was filled with spirited performances….it is clear that performance at the institution is grounded in excellent instruction and filled with joy.”
  • “A willingness to discuss the future of music and music education in the context of demographic change in America, and to do so positively and imaginatively. Because of its recognized position as a flagship, Ithaca is poised to guide this conversation at a national level.”
  • “A legacy of commitment to music, musicians, and the education of superb music educators.”
  • “An institutional pride in the music faculty’s ability to help student learn. Teaching is a deeply held value at Ithaca, the central skill required of every faculty member.”
  • “A clear commitment to inclusion, in all of its forms, as a cornerstone of academic and musical excellence.”
  • “A robust range of partnerships in communities at the local, regional and national levels.”
  • “A dedicated staff, warm and expert in their areas of assignments, often managing heavy workloads with seeming ease.”
  • “An engaged student body, willing to ask profound questions, and help craft advances.”
  • “A music unit administration willing and able to make a space for conversation, consultation, and deliberation, one that sees their role as facilitator rather than fixer.”
  • “An overarching sense of joy within the School of Music.”