• You are encouraged to check room availability and request room reservations online. This is for signing out classrooms and rehearsal rooms. For the individual practice rooms on the first floor, please see more information here.
  • This page is designed to make you aware of parameters, essential information, and how to actually use the system, called 25Live.


  • You do not have a room reserved until you have an email confirmation.
  • It is strongly recommended that requests on weekdays are in 24 hours ahead.
  • If you fully put in a request and do not get a response within a reasonable amount of time and you suspect the request has not been received, contact Zachary McDonald.


  • Recitals and concerts in Ford, Hockett, and Nabenhauer will be scheduled by the concert/facility manager. Please do not put these requests into 25L.
  • Dress rehearsals for recitals: you can check the availability of the hall and request the appropriate number of hours for your dress rehearsals; you should complete this step by three weeks prior to your desired date(s).
  • General room bookings (sectionals, chamber music, rehearsals, meetings, etc.): requests will be reviewed for appropriateness of the room to the function and consideration of other factors. Please be understanding if asked to adjust something.
  • Booking changes: If you have a booking in place, especially a weekly one, that you no longer need, please either use the system yourself to cancel it or advise Zachary McDonald.
  • Weekend bookings:
    • Please have all weekend booking requests in by noon Fridays.
    • From 7:00 p.m. Friday to midnight Sunday, the student on duty has the official schedule.

Reminder: rooms should be left neat when you leave; sometimes this means better than you found it. Always assume that the next thing in there is a class.

Times between “hours”:

  • Note that bookings follow the class schedule, even if listed as a full hour
  • On MWF: a “10:00 a.m.” booking is really 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m..
  • On TR the morning room bookings run from X:50 through (X+1):40 and afternoon bookings run from X:05-X:55.


  • JJWCM 1207 cannot be signed out ordinarily except by music education organizations.
  • JJWCM 3311, the conference room, cannot be signed out for rehearsals.
  • Ford, Hockett, and Nabenhauer are primarily signed out for dress rehearsals, other uses are at the facility manager's discretion.
  • Planning ahead is welcome and encouraged. However, since classes are a priority, bookings for the fall semester will only be considered on or after June 1st, and those for the spring semester on or after November 1st. Please do not put the requests in ahead of those dates; they will be denied.
  • Student organizations seeking to perform in Presser and Beeler are numerous, and so the number of performances and rehearsals that may be booked in there will be limited at the discretion of the facility manager. Two performances and two rehearsals will be a general guideline. Bookings are also subject to appropriate registration as a student organization on campus.


Please address any questions not covered above to Zachary McDonald.