The Ithaca College Library can help you answer...

· Who is the liaison for my school?
· What services do you offer faculty?
· Do we have access to the library at Cornell University?

Sponsored Research can help you answer...

· How do I find out what outside funding opportunities are available?
· How do I determine if Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is required?
· How do I get started if I want to apply for an external grant?

The Registrar can help you answer...

· If a student registered for my course, but doesn’t attend class the first week, are they automatically removed from my course? 
· Is a final exam required in all courses? 
· What is the Academic Calendar and where may I access it?
· How can I find and manage who is registered in my class?

The Center for Academic Advancement can help you answer...

· How will I know what to do to accommodate a student with a learning need?
· Is tutoring limited to certain subjects/are all tutors students?
· Do you welcome walk-ins or is an appointment necessary?
· Is academic advising limited to certain subjects?
· What’s the difference between Faculty and Professional Advisors?

Public Safety and Emergency Management can help you answer...

· If working late at night, may I request a safety escort to my car?
· Where may I find the Emergency Readiness and Response Guide?
· What is it that I need to know about parking a vehicle or bicycle on campus?

· Is there a plan in place for terrorism?
· What should I do in a classroom emergency?

 The Center for LGBTQ Education, Outreach and Services can help you answer...

· How can I support LGBTQ students at Ithaca College?

The Center for Civic Engagement can help you answer...

· How do I get my students involved in community-based efforts or partnerships?
· Who can help me design a course that involves effective community-based engagement?
· What resources does Ithaca College offer to support community-based learning, research, and/or service-learning courses?

Teaching and Learning with Technology can help you answer...

· Where can I learn about different technologies used for teaching and learning?    · How can I deliver different forms of media to my students?
· How can I engage my students in the classroom while checking for understanding?

· Are training workshops offered for using clickers in the classroom; other workshops offered?
· May I request a one-on-one overview of the classrooms that I will be teaching in? 
· How do I best use SAKAI with my students? 
· What other services does TLT offer?

The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help you answer...

· What do I do if I think that a student seems depressed?                                              
· How soon can a student in crisis receive services?      

The Office of Residential Life/ First-Year Residential Experience can help you answer...

· Where do students live on campus? (FY students vs. Upper Years)
· What are the focus areas for student learning in the residence halls?
· What are the ways faculty are involved in residential life?

The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) can help you answer...

· How can I assist new students in making a successful transition to College?
· What programs/services do you offer that support and retain students of color?
· What are some of the leadership development opportunities you offer students and how can I get involved?

The Office of Career Services can help you answer...

· Is there someone in your office that could cover my class if I have to be out?
· Who is the liaison for my school?
· Do you have any tips on writing recommendation letters for my students?

The Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) can help you answer...

· Where do I send students with ICC questions? Where can I go?
· How can I get my course ICC designated?
· What’s a CLA?