2021 History Graduate Presents and Publishes!

By Michael Trotti, October 13, 2021

Alexander Paredes-Ruiz (History BA, Theater Arts Management BS, 2021) publishes from his History Honors Thesis

In Spring of 2021, Alexander Paredes-Ruiz earned Honors in History for his thesis on generations of South Florida immigrants and their conceptions of "the American Dream."  He presented a portion of this work at the Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium at Johns Hopkins University earlier this year.  Thereafter the paper was published in the Richard Macksey Journal, volume 2 (September, 2021).  The article (click to see it) is titled: “¿Cual Es Tu Sueño Americano?”: The Shifting Latinx Perception of Opportunity in Miami Since 1980.