Shakira Alamo

Ithaca Firsts Award

Shakira Alamo

This is a award presented to First-Gen students committed to improving the IC first-gen experience who has tremendous impact on the Ithaca Firsts community. Shakira Alamo is the President of the First-Gen student org and has been committed along with her fellow E-board members to create community for First-Gen students at IC. Shakira worked diligently throughout the year with her team to throw on successful events their peers with the focus on making connections and foster a sense of belonging for first-gens across our campus. In collaboration with NSTP, Shakira was instrumental in the implementation of our First-Gen Celebration Day in November and with her leadership, the event saw over 70 First-Gens participate in our activities celebrating their success. NSTP would like to thank Shakira for all the work and effort that was put into benefiting the first-gen community and cannot wait to see what she does next year.