
Meet Dr. Isha and Dr. Faris, physicians partnering with IC's LGBT Center as part of Cayuga Medical Center's Health Equity Initiative.

They have completed their medical education and are finishing their training by fine-tuning their clinical skills and learning how to become community-engaged medical providers, as part of Cayuga Medical Center's Internal Medicine Residency Program. The program builds relationships between residents and community organizations to improve access to healthcare, and advance overall well-being to better serve all populations and reduce health inequities.

Please bring your own questions, as we embark on this partnership together! In a lively conversation we'll talk about

the significance of health equity in their work how they work with other types of professionals like behavioral health clinicians, other healthcare providers/professionals, public health practitioners, and community-based organizationsHow they decided to live and work here in Ithaca for their residencyWhat they wish patients knew about their profession