Extended Studies

Fees and Rates

Registration Fee

A non-refundable registration fee of $50 per undergraduate or graduate course is required before non-degree seeking student enrollment. This fee is in addition to the course tuition fee. Instructions on paying the fee will be provided once registration is approved.

Registration fees are waived for IC alumni, IC retirees, Longview staff and residents, IC employees, and students receiving the IC tuition remission benefit. Registration fees do not apply to students enrolling at IC through an official Ithaca College exchange program such as the Ithaca College-Cornell University Exchange Program, or the Ithaca College Los Angeles Program.

Longview staff members are eligible to apply for Ithaca College Tuition Remission for taking courses for credit. Longview residents can audit courses through the College's partnership with Longview. For more information, visit our website.

Undergraduate Course per credit rate

For non-degree seeking student tuition rates, please click here.

Graduate Course Per Credit Rate

For graduate non-degree seeking student tuition rates, please click here.

Audit Course Fee

Non-degree seeking students can audit fall and spring classes at 10% of the undergraduate cost per credit hour with permission from the instructor. This applies to both graduate and undergraduate courses. Additionally, the $50 registration fee per course mentioned above also applies. The audit option is not available during the winter or summer sessions.

Billing and Payments


After your course registration has been processed, a bill will be generated by the Office of Student Financial Services. When your bill is ready, you will receive an email indicating that it is available to view on Homerconnect. There will be a payment deadline listed on your bill. Financial aid is not available for non-degree students.

Your bill from the Office of Student Financial Services, will be made available to view in Homerconnect once your confirmation of registration is received.

Non-degree seeking students with financial balances who have not negotiated a payment plan with the Office of Student Financial Services will have their registration reversed.

Payment Deadlines

  • Fall Semester : day before the last day of the add/drop period
  • Winter Session : upon completed registration
  • Spring Semester : day before the last day of the add/drop period
  • Summer Sessions : upon completed registration

See the list of payment options below.


Financial aid is not available to students who are registered on a non-degree basis. The College does, however, offer comprehensive financial aid packages to eligible full-time and part-time students who have been admitted to degree study (matriculated) at Ithaca. If you plan to become a matriculated student and are concerned about financing your education, contact the student financial services office at 607-274-3131.