2024 Graduate Hooding and Commencement Speaker

Keynote speaker associate professor Amie Germain encouraged students to never stop asking questions

Amie Germain at the podium

Good afternoon! Honored graduates, speakers, Ithaca College faculty and staff, parents, friends, and family members of our graduates — congratulations!

It is with immense joy that we gather here today to celebrate the achievements of YOU, our graduate students here at Ithaca College. Today marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to your academic pursuits. It also may mark a mixture of emotions.

Feelings of anticipation, excitement, pride, and perhaps relief. Relief on completing your studies and reaching this symbolic finish line. Excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead, nostalgia for the experiences you have shared here at Ithaca College, and pride for what you have achieved.

Let us take a pause to absorb and rejoice in this monumental occasion, for it marks a significant milestone in your journey through life.

Did you feel it? I did.

There is a palpable atmosphere of achievement and celebration permeating this room!

Now, each in your own unique way, grab hold of this moment, tuck it into your pocket, and carry it with you – because YOU have created this moment, and YOU have earned it.

I invite you to reflect on the journey that has led to this moment—a journey marked by curiosity, growth, and the pursuit of knowledge. You have navigated through the challenges, triumphed over obstacles, and emerged victorious, ready to embark on the next chapter of your journey. In celebrating this momentous occasion, we must acknowledge the big achievements—the papers written, the projects completed, the skills exhibited in practical examinations, and the exhibits, presentations and performances made. Also, there are countless small moments that have led you here.

It's in the late-night study sessions, the coffee-fueled conversations, the debates about evidence or procedures, the pondering of “how does this apply to the real world,” and the quiet moments of reflection that true growth and learning occur. Each small victory, each minor setback, has contributed to your transformation into the scholars and leaders you are today. Here, in this significant moment, on the threshold of your future, it is essential to remember that this is not the end of your journey; it is just the beginning.

"You are about to make your mark on this world in ways BOTH big and small. Whether you choose to pursue further education, enter the workforce, or embark on a different path altogether, know that your education has equipped you with the tools to effect change, to challenge the status quo, and to leave an indelible imprint on society."

You are about to make your mark on this world in ways BOTH big and small. Whether you choose to pursue further education, enter the workforce, or embark on a different path altogether, know that your education has equipped you with the tools to effect change, to challenge the status quo, and to leave an indelible imprint on society. Remember, education is not just something you possess; it's an integral part of who you are, shaping your perspectives, guiding your decisions, and fueling your aspirations. It's a lifelong companion, woven into the fabric of your being, empowering you to navigate the ever-changing landscape of life with resilience and purpose.

Every moment of your life is a learning experience, an opportunity to grow, to evolve, to become a better version of yourself. Embrace the unknown, relish in the discomfort of uncertainty, for it is in these moments of vulnerability that true innovation and discovery occur.

Now, I am a big Ted Lasso fan. I could watch that show over and over. To me, it is full of heartwarming, quick-witted anecdotes, and great life-advice.

If you haven’t watched the show—you have your next homework assignment.

To paraphrase Ted in Season 1, Episode 8, he says: Be curious, and ask questions.

My family can confirm that this is one of my enduring passions, whether they like it or not.

So - never stop asking questions and never stop seeking answers, for the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey.

As you venture forth into the world, I implore you to welcome diverse thoughts and perspectives into your life. Seek out those who challenge your beliefs, who broaden your horizons, who push you to see the world through a different lens. It's through this exchange of ideas, this celebration of diversity, that we truly thrive as individuals and as a society.

Finally, remember: Proximity breeds empathy. Take the time to journey in someone else's shoes, to experience the world through their eyes, to understand their hopes, their fears, and their dreams. For it is only through empathy that we can bridge the divides that separate us, that we can build a more inclusive and compassionate world for future generations.

In conclusion, honored graduates, you find yourself here, in this great moment, know that the world is yours for the taking.

Seize every opportunity, embrace every challenge, and never lose sight of the curious, compassionate, and courageous individuals you are destined to become.

Congratulations, graduate students, may your journey be filled with endless curiosity, boundless joy, and infinite possibilities.

Be curious and ask questions!

Thank you.