2024 Marked the First Year of Ithaca College's Annual Service of Remembrance

All campus community members were invited to gather in Muller Chapel on Thursday, April 18th for a Service of Remembrance. This was the first annual Service of Remembrance at Ithaca College. 

During this solemn occasion, tribute was paid to alumni, faculty, staff, and students from our campus community who have departed over the past year. Their contributions to our community were remembered and their memories honored. Time was also observed during the service for each person present to hold the memories of those they have lost in their hearts.

The Service of Remembrance featured a selection of prayers, poetry readings, and biographical excerpts that celebrated the lives of those our community has lost. As a symbolic gesture of remembrance, memorial candles were also lit in their honor, and flowers were placed by collected photographs.

Read the Spring 2024 Program

A copy of the spring 2024 program is available through the link here.

Service of Remembrance

Ithaca College's second annual Service of Remembrance will be scheduled in spring 2025.