Alumni Giving: The Schottland Scholarship

Inspired by his father, Brandt Schottland '16 decided to endow a scholarship of his own.

Winnie Zhang ’23 and her rowing team

A recipient of Brandt Schottland’s scholarship, Winnie Zhang ’23 was part of the Liberty League champion IC women’s rowing team.

After Brandt Schottland ’16 graduated from Ithaca College, he moved to New York City and worked in sales until he was offered a job as a technology broker.

“It was a great position that offered significant opportunities for growth as well as great financial gain,” he said. “I had no large monetary obligations at the time and, after doing a little soul searching, I felt it was a good opportunity for me to give back to the school that got me to where I was.”

Inspired by his father, Peter Schottland ’80, a longtime donor and supporter of Ithaca College, Brandt Schottland decided to endow a scholarship fund of his own. Awarded annually to students in the School of Business, the scholarship is intended to relieve financial stressors and allow the recipients to focus on their studies and extracurricular activities.

“If you’re fortunate enough to get opportunities and have some good luck in life, it’s important to help those out who are still trying to find that good luck,” he said. “My dad and my mom both instilled in me to really give back and be a part of something greater.”

Working with Paul Hesler, director of principal gifts at the college, Schottland developed the scholarship criteria to recognize not just the students with highest GPAs or most accolades but those who showed a lot of potential as well.

“For me it was more about whether this person shows promise in more areas than merely academics,” Schottland said. “Paul worked really hard with me to find some great students who showed unbelievable promise.”

After doing a little soul searching, I felt it was a good opportunity for me to give back to the school that got me to where I was.

Brandt Schottland '16

Winnie Zhang ’23, a recent recipient of Schottland’s scholarship, was a business major and member of IC women’s rowing.

“Receiving the Schottland scholarship has helped ease my financial burden, allowing me to focus more on my studies,” Zhang said. “Being chosen for this scholarship strengthens my commitment and effort.”

Schottland, now working alongside his father at the American Packaging Corporation, continues to give back to the IC community by mentoring and networking with current students. Together, father and son recently led a “fireside chat” in Professor Ed Catto’s Organizational Behavior and Ethics class to share their expertise and insights.

“Ithaca College gave me the opportunities and encouragement to explore different possibilities,” Schottland said. “A school like that can give so much back to the community, especially to people like myself who may need a little bit more guidance figuring out what they want to do with their lives. If it wasn’t for Ithaca, I don’t think I would have been able to do the things I’ve been able to do.”