Message to Faculty

Encouraging You and Your Students to Take Campus Climate Survey

I wish to briefly follow up on last week’s message from President Cornish that announced the Campus Climate Survey, which will start Tuesday, October 17. A deep understanding of our community members’ varied experiences is a critical part of continuing to improve how we work towards a more inclusive and equitable campus environment. It is vital that we hear all voices on campus in our efforts to determine our community’s most pressing and vital concerns. 

Our qualitative and quantitative assessment will allow us to better understand the experiences of the Ithaca College community, and we know from the research that thriving campus climates contribute directly to overall success for students, staff and faculty. The results will assist us in better understanding our learning, living and working environments (what we are doing well and where there are challenges). 

First, I encourage you to take the survey, which is completely anonymous and confidential. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and can be finished in separate segments as long as you utilize the same device. Individuals who successfully finish the survey will have the opportunity to opt-in to a drawing to receive a variety of incentives. 

Second, knowing how integral and influential you are in your students’ worlds, we are asking faculty to encourage their students to take the Campus Climate Survey. Students often confide in faculty members when discussing their campus experiences, and this survey represents an important tool to ensure that those perspectives are heard by college leadership. How students experience their campus environment influences both learning and developmental outcomes. Please stress that these surveys are confidential and anonymous, and the college wants every student to help shape the future of the Ithaca College experience. 

Faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to visit the dedicated website for the Campus Climate Survey,, to learn more about the process. Starting Tuesday, October 17, the survey will be located there as well. 

Thank you for helping us ensure that both your students’ experiences and your workplace experience align with our values and aspirations. During our last Campus Climate Survey in 2016, our campus had a 46-percent response rate. With your completion of the survey as well as your willingness to share its importance with your students, I feel confident that we will surpass our previous participation rate.  

With gratitude, 
Melanie I. Stein 
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs