John Murillo

John Murillo Headshot

 I am a Mexican-American writer from Houston, Texas, majoring in film, photography, and visual arts. My goal at Ithaca College is to use media to cultivate the unheard Hispanic voices and use them to send a message of building connections, not just tolerance. I want to close the cultural barriers between the rest of America and those of Hispanic heritage. The people being deported, ignored, and racially profiled must have their voices heard. I want to use the media to further this goal. I have joined the Mexican Association to schedule community events and film them to show Hispanic culture and the building of relationships. I have applied to ICTV shows such as Nightmares Alive, Game Over, and B-Roll, to represent Hispanics.  

Media are potent tools for building a community and sending a message. I plan to use every opportunity in media, scripted or otherwise, to give others a glimpse into Hispanic culture and why tolerance of each other is insufficient. I am incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to share my message and help others in Hispanic culture.