Helping Others

The recipients of this award are fully engaged in service activities and have contributed physics-related service to the school, college, and wider community, and they participate in, manage, and help organize co-curricular activities associated with the Department.

Noah Rosenzweig, '24

Noah Rosenzweig is graduating in May 2024, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Physics, with a minor in Mathematics. In his time at Ithaca College, he has served in various roles, such as the Treasurer and Vice President of the Society of Physics Students, a Learning Assistant, a PLuG Coach, a Resident Assistant... the list goes on.

Noah Rosenzweig, '24

Noah Rosenzweig, '24, winner of the Excellence in Service Award.

Noah's main research endeavor is PER - Physics Education Research. The product of his research is two video series, mentored by Dr. Colleen Countryman, focused on helping students in physics courses grapple with their coursework in the form of supplemental videos that could be watched at any time. This low-budget, high-impact plan was made to be easily replicable at both the high school and collegiate levels.

After graduation, Noah plans to travel to Israel for a year, learning more about his Judaism and faith, followed by obtaining his Master's in Education to become a high school Physics teacher.

Mikolaj Konieczny '24

Mikolaj Konieczny is graduating in May 2024, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Physics. In his time at Ithaca College, his most prominent service role was that of Prime Minister of Astronomy Club, a very active club under Mikolaj's leadership.  Mikolaj also served as a Learning Assistant and PLuG Coach.

Mikolaj Konieczny '24

Mikolaj Konieczny, '24, winner of the Excellence in Service Award.

Mikolaj Konieczny is graduating in May 2024, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Physics. In his time at Ithaca College, his most prominent service role was that of Prime Minister of Astronomy Club, a very active club under Mikolaj's leadership. Mikolaj also served as a Learning Assistant and PLuG Head Coach.

Mikolaj’s main contribution to his community was in the promotion of amateur stargazing and astrophotography, most notably the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse as a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador. Alongside the Astronomy Club, he has collaborated with various on campus organisations including IC Running Club, IC Paganism and Witchcraft Society, Art Club, Writing Club and IC Prism to foster a spirit of interdisciplinary and inclusive learning. He also worked to promote safe eclipse viewing to the Longview retirement community and managed to hand out a total of 1000 solar glasses. He also volunteered on World Quantum Day to inspire students in a Columbian high school and worked as a nuclear physics summer researcher at Duke University with the neutron electric dipole moment group nEDM@SNS. He has travelled to present his research at national conferences in Hawai'i, Las Vegas, Washington DC, Minneapolis, and Sacramento. After receiving his diploma, he will be pursuing his PhD in Quantum Condensed Matter at Duke University, while always finding time for a well-deserved tea break. However, he would like to attribute his success to his professors, mentors, newfound Irish brothers and sisters, and, most of all, his family for their unconditional love and support.

Past Winners of the Excellence in Service Award

2023Drew McGee