Share Your Memories

Help us create a Virtual Archive of your memories, photos, and videos of your time as a Communications student at Ithaca College. 

A Kudoboard has been created as a location for you to share your memories in messages as well as share photos and videos. The end result will be a Virtual Archive that can be shared, viewed as a presentation, or even printed as a book. 

Park’s 50th Anniversary Team hopes to populate the board before Alumni Weekend and will also be welcoming memories to be shared all year.


  1. Go to the 50th Anniversary Kudoboard
  2. Enter in your text, image, or video
  3. Enter your email*
  4. Submit

*This allows you to edit your post later, it does not automatically sign you up for marketing emails. It will also enable Park’s 50th Anniversary team to contact you if they would like to learn more about your stories or request your participation in other media being produced this year. You may skip this step.