Generation Z.  iGeneration. Generation “Like”. Post-Millennials.  While there is not yet agreement on the label, there is no shortage of conversation and speculation about the next generation of students who will be coming to our campus. 

Each generation faces unique circumstances necessitating an adaptation to the world they are inheriting.  This generation is no different.  This is a generation of young people who only know a world with the internet. This is a generation raised in the midst of global wars. This is a generation raised during the Great Recession. And this is a generation who know that it is possible for the U.S. to elect a Black President - twice - while also deporting the highest number of children in its history. This is their world and more.

In stark contrast to their closest elders (Millennials / Generation Y) who are too frequently defined as coddled and self-absorbed, this Imminent Generation is being characterized as impatient, pragmatic, justice-oriented, socially engaged, and industrious. The reality is that no matter the labels; no matter the descriptors; no matter the conjecture from elders or experts; this is a generation who will define themselves.

In this light, we are hosting our annual discussion series dedicated to youthful leaders, organizers, and future makers to give us insight on their experiences. It is our goal to foster a critical cross-generational dialogue in hopes of developing strategies to address our ever evolving challenges. What are the issues that this generation is going to face? How are our youth surviving in the severe state of pervasive unfreedom? What does it mean to be young at the start of the 21st Century?

SPRING 2017 

Title: Youth, Race, and Surveillance:  Student “Success” in a Punitive School
Presenter: Jessica Dunning-Lozano, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Ithaca College

Date: Thurs., 2/9/17
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Klingenstein Lounge
Title: Acting Locally:   Organizing from the Perspective of Generation Z
Presenter: Panel of Local Youth Activists

Date: Thurs., 3/2/17
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Klingenstein Lounge
Title: Struggles & Achievements of Generation Z
Presenter: Mahogany L. Browne, Mentor & Host, Urban Word NYC

Date: Tues., 4/4/17
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Klingenstein Lounge

Title:  Now is Our Time
Presenter: Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars, Ithaca College

Date: Thurs., 4/27/17
Time: 12:00 Noon
Location: Clark Lounge

FALL 2016 

Title: The Girls Who Spun Gold
Presenter: Nydia Blas, Artist, MFA (Syracuse University), BA (Ithaca College)

Date: Th. 9/22/16
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Handwerker Gallery
Title: La Jaula de Oro The Golden Dream
Presenter: Diego Quemada-Díez, Cinematographer, Writer

Date: Tu., 10/18/16
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: The Forum, 2nd Floor PRW
Title: Toward a Liberative Construction of Safety and Healing in Schools: Responding to the School Pushout of Black Girls
Presenter: Monique W. Morris, Ed.D.

Date: Tu., 11/15/16
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Klingenstein Lounge