2023-2024 C.P. Snow Scholars: Kieran Bentley and Catherine Winter Paul

CP Snow Scholars

Kieran Bentley (left); Catherine Winter Paul (right).

We're thrilled to announce that for 2023-24 we have named two C.P. Snow Scholars! Kieran Bentley and Catherine Winter Paul embody C.P. Snow's missions to bridge and integrate the arts, humanities, and sciences. Congratulations to them on earning this important achievement!

KIERAN BENTLEY is a Computer Science major, Animation minor, and part-time maker of various things from Napaskiak, Alaska. She began attending Ithaca in 2021, and since then has been trying to take advantage of as many unique classes and activities as possible; her favorite thus far is a toss-up between Computer Networks and Medieval Literature. In her free time, she writes music, writes code, and writes scripts for independent documentary projects. She plans to graduate in 2025, after which point anything is possible.

CATHERINE WINTER PAUL was born to a family of artists in Thousand Oaks, California, and was raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At eight years old, she found a home at the community theatre, falling in love with the ephemeral art. At the same time, she developed a deep fascination for the cosmos, taking full advantage of the prairie’s wide night sky (and those science magazines from the gas station!) A wanderer and a bookworm, she eventually journeyed to New York in order to study theatre, picking up physics, English, and biochemistry along the way. Although these subjects may seem worlds apart, to Winter, they are all parts of a whole. In the future, she hopes to crack the code on what happens at the center of a black hole (a joke- or is it?) and encourage more artist-scientists through educational theatre.

C. P. Snow Scholar Award 

The C. P. Snow Scholar Award recognizes one or two distinguished students who fulfill Snow’s vision of bridging the humanities and sciences in their academic and extracurricular activities. Award winners receive a $500 gift and are honored at the C. P. Snow Lecture Series in the spring. 

To be considered for the award, students must be nominated by a faculty member. Faculty are solicited for nominations early in the spring semester, with all final nominations due by Mar 8th. 

Student must also meet the following criteria:  have junior or senior standing, a minimum GPA of 3.0, and a demonstrated record of interdisciplinary work in the humanities and sciences beyond coursework.  

Application Instructions for Nominated Students
  • Provide two letters of recommendation. One letter should be from a faculty member in the arts or humanities. The other letter should be from a faculty member in the sciences, technology, of mathematics. For guidance on identifying these categories, this page may be helpful. Please ask that recommenders submit their letters on this Qualtrics Form by Apr. 5th: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_da7NzhYyo6H6p0i

  • Additionally, students will submit an application via email, which will consist of two attachments, and it will include the following: 

    • An unofficial transcript 

    • 1000-word essay on the following two prompts: How do you integrate the humanities with the sciences in your academics and extracurriculars? On the basis of the activities you described, why is the integration of the humanities and sciences valuable?

    • Please also include the names of your recommenders in the body of your email when you submit the application.  Remember, faculty will submit the official recommendation on the Qualtrics poll. In your application, we simply need the names.

Materials should be submitted to RPalma@Ithaca.edu. In the subject of the email, include the following: "CP Snow Application." Note: all materials are due by April 5th, 2024. Late materials will not be considered. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Raul Palma (RPalma@Ithaca.edu).