Recent Faculty Accomplishments

Margaret Shackell Publishes Case in the Entertainment Industry (4/23/24)

Kathleen Mulligan works with the Vientiane International School in Laos (4/16/24)

Marella Feltrin-Morris has published a book chapter and the translation of a short story by Luigi Pirandello. (3/27/24)

Art faculty member Amber Lia-Kloppel was honored to receive an award for her piece Renaissance (3/26/24)

Congratulations to Cynthia Henderson for her Howlround Podcast interview! (3/21/24)

Literatures in English Professor Kasia Bartoszynska was invited to deliver a paper at the "Modeling Change" Symposium at the University of California Berkeley. (3/21/24)

Professor Emerita of Politics, Asma Barlas, gives talk in Iran (2/28/2024)

Physical Therapy Faculty Present at CSM (02/22/2024)

Carlos Figueroa, Ph.D. (Politics Department) gives a talk at the "Philosophies of Nonviolence" conference. (2/20/2024)

John Vongas, Associate Professor of Management, Publishes a Conceptual Paper on Radical Change (02/12/2024)

Raj Subramaniam and Deb Wuest publish article titled "Nurturing human flourishing through physical literacy" (1/29/2024)

Athletic Training Professor receives prestigious professional award (01/26/2024)

Kathleen Mulligan Publishes Article in The Emily Dickinson International Society. (12/22/2023)

Matt Klemm presents "The Vital Spirit in Northern Italian Medical Philosophy ca. 1300" (12.15.2023)

Emeritus Politics Prof Tom Shevory Publishes New Book. (12/13/2023)

Professor Pearl Ponce (History) Contextualizes Aaron Copeland’s Lincoln Portrait (1942) before Cornell Symphony Orchestra Performance. (12/12/2023)

Asma Barlas, Professor Emerita of Politics, presented a talk. (12.04.2023)

Writing professor Katharyn Howd Machan’s poem “Tess Clarion: Redwing, 1888” has been awarded two prizes in the Books on the Bosque (Clifton, TX) writing contest. (11/30/2023)