
Presented by the Center for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Social Change, our IDEAS Peer Educators (IPEs) are launching a 4 part workshop series for the fall semester, covering conversations based on understanding allyship, consent, micro-aggressions, and implicit bias.

Sign up for workshops in the 4th and final theme in the series with our IPEs as we hope to create space for critically thinking about implicit bias.

During these virtual workshop spaces, hosted and led by our IDEAS Peer Educators, students should expect to learn what is "implicit bias", also called "unconscious bias", how it impacts us all, and ways in which we can work to challenge the biases that we carry on a daily basis, all while provided space for discussion and questions with student peers!

If you have any questions or concerns about the workshops, please contact ideas@ithaca.edu or use any of our social media pages.
