
The LGBT Center and Cinemapolis present a talkback on Born To Be, a new film about how one doctor’s work impacts the lives of his patients as well as how his journey from renowned plastic surgeon to pioneering gender-affirming surgeon has led to his own transformation. Born To Be follows the work of Dr. Jess Ting at the groundbreaking Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery in New York City—where, for the first time ever, all transgender and gender non-conforming people have access to comprehensive quality transition-related health and surgical care.

The talkback takes features Luca Maurer, director of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services at Ithaca College; a local clinician who provides gender affirming care; and a local Trans Patient Health Navigator who assists folks in our community in accessing care, the documentation and potential barriers to obtaining health care and updates to identity documents, and other support and referral services.

The movie be accessed here for a nominal ticketing fee https://cinemapolis.org/film/born-to-be/

There is no charge to participate in the discussion, and one need not have watched the movie in order to participate.