Weather Center for the Apocalypse (Amelia Marzec)

USA, 2015–2017
Sustained Turbulence

Amelia Marzec

Weather Center for the Apocalypse exists in multiple iterations, including installations and web platforms. Bypassing events in the past, this project focuses on what could happen in the future by predicting changes in our environment and culture that impact humans' entitlement to autonomy.

A series of interviews requires users to toggle between different perspectives in a mediated performance of listening within a wider community. Interviewees communicate their experiences and expectations on the future of our shared environments. In addition to a web-based platform, the project operates across "a personal satellite radio system made out of salvaged materials and old technology" called Future Satellite.

Another component of the project is a homemade weather station called Weather Tower, made of recycled items and simple sensors, to collect information such as temperature, pressure, wind speed, and rainfall.

This project infiltrates our communication environment with alerts and entertainment geared toward persuading individuals to set aside their own personal objectives in favor of our collective interests.

While this project's intervention is important everywhere, it is particularly significant in the United States, which has been the epicenter for discrediting science and prioritizing short-term profits over long-term costs.

This work was first curated in FLEFF 2020 and awarded a jury prize.

Amelia Marzec is an artist focused on rebuilding local communications infrastructures to prepare for an uncertain future. Her work has been exhibited at SIGGRAPH, MIT, ISEA(Canada), University of the Arts Helsinki (Finland), ONCE Foundation Contemporary ArtBiennial (Spain), NODE Forum for Digital Arts Biennial (Germany), and the RhizomeArtBase. She has been a resident at Eyebeam, Ox-Bow, and Harvestworks; a fellow at NYSCA/NYFA, A.I.R. Gallery, and Columbia University; and a visiting artist at CalArts.