Connecting Older Adults to Technology in Lewis County

A program for older adults living in Lewis County who are interesting in learning basic technology skills. This program provides eligible seniors with a new smart device, a coach to help set up the device and meet 1:1 with them over 6 weeks.

What is the COAT Program?

Connecting Older Adults to Technology (COAT) provides 10 individuals with a free smart device and individual coaching sessions over 8 weeks. Digital coaches are matched with an older adult to help them learn how to use their new device. The program goal is to improve the digital literacy of older adults living in rural communities. Funding is provided by the Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center.

Program Details

woman looking at smart phone

Who can participate in the program as a Digital Learner?

Digital Learners and Digital Coaches will participate in

  • a kickoff session (receive your tablet and meet your coach),
  • 6 coaching sessions (completed by 6/30/23)
  • attend a celebration (a thank you to our volunteer coaches and learners)
  • completing pre/post surveys about the program and other related paperwork

Preference will be given to first 10 applicants in Lewis County who are:

  • 60 years of age or older
  • Live in a rural community
  • Has access to Wi-Fi
  • Makes less than $29,160 a year
  • English speaking

Digital Coaches

Volunteers who are trained to work with older adults to learn basic technology skills related to smart devices. Volunteers work to bridge the digital divide that can improve older adult's health literacy and wellness.  Learn more about digital coaches.

Free Smart Devices Provided

picture of Lenovo Smart Tab M10

Digital Learners who finish the program keep the Lenovo Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus. p  Coaches help personalize settings on the new device.

Where is the COAT Program held?

kick-off Event

This event will be held at Valley View Court (Lowville, NY) on May 9th 

1:1 Digital Coaching Session

Digital Coaches and Learners will determine when and where to meet for the 6 sessions. which are approximately 1 hour long.

COAT Program Celebration

Applications for Digital Coaches & Learners

Applications can be picked up and submitted at the following locations in Lewis County:

Lewis County Office for the Aging
5960 Main St Glenfield, NY 13433 (the old Glenfield Elementary School)
Mailing Address- P.O. Box 193 Lowville, NY 13367
Phone (315) 376-5313 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M

North Country Library System (see locations)
Lewis County NCLS locations and hours

COAT Forms

file-outline Application for COAT Program - Learner Application_1.pdf (88.35 KB)

Application for older adults interested in being selected as a Digital Learner in the 2023 COAT program.  Fill out and submit to locations listed or by sending to Karen Brown.

For More Information

Karen Brown
Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center Program Manager