Bench and Plaque Dedicated in Remembrance of Kelly Perkins

By Hannah Fitzpatrick ’21, October 11, 2019
IC community gathers to honor Kelly Perkins ’22.

Members of the Ithaca College community, family, and friends of Kelly Perkins ’22 came together on Oct. 4 to remember and honor her life.

Perkins passed away on March 4 due to a car crash. She was a first-year student studying to become a physical education teacher, and was an employee in the Office of Public Safety and the Office of Residential Life. She is also the daughter of long-time IC employees Enoch and Debbie Perkins.

A bench and a plaque in front of Hill Center, overlooking the fountains, were dedicated in memory of her life and the impact she had on the Ithaca College community. It was Kelly’s favorite place to study.

“I know that in moments like this, we all get very sad and often paralyzed by that fear of losing someone you love,” said President Shirley M. Collado at the gathering. “But for me, what this bench and this space represents is that when there’s loss and there’s pain, we stand together in community, side by side, and that you can have such an incredible, beautiful presence here – a place where Kelly’s spirit and her joy in life for this community will be forever present at Ithaca College.”