
The Office of Engagement and Constituent Relations invites you to join us for a reception in your honor! Enjoy a chance to mix and mingle with your fellow IC alumni employees on Monday, October 7.

We are taking the time once again to celebrate you, our alumni who work at Ithaca College! You are one of over 200 IC alumni currently employed by the college, and we want to thank you for your remarkable contributions to our community. Your commitment to your alma mater is inspiring, and IC would not be the same without you!

Monday, October 7
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Campus Center
Klingenstein Lounge
Ithaca College

There is no cost for this reception, but we ask that you please register so that we can make appropriate accommodations. Kindly RSVP by Friday, October 4.

Campus Center
Klingenstein Lounge