
The outcasts. The misfits. The strange ones who cannot or will not make their home in systems of normalized evil. The queer ones who live and love differently. The ones who speak unwelcome truths. These are the ones who teach us to live in new ways and how to better love ourselves and each other. Their witness invites us to see our own Strangeness as a source of power, truth, and possibility for building a more just world together.

Come and gather together for an intimate conversation with M about what Sacred power we can find in re-claiming and celebrating our Strange, followed by Q & A, and a spiritual ritual for queer love and nourishment.

Rev. M Barclay is an ordained deacon in The UMC and the director of enfleshed - a nonprofit committed to creating and facilitating spiritual resources for bringing what matters back to the gospel for justice, liberation, and delight.

Sponsored by: The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services, and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.

Campus Center
klingenstein Lounge