
Localist ID

Transgender Day of Remembrance: Virtual Community Gathering of Unity

Join the Ithaca College Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services; the Cornell University LGBT Resource Center; and the Ithaca Transgender Group for a digital community observance of the 2020 International Transgender Day of Remembrance.

A night of peace, hope and understanding featuring song, spoken word, poetry, prayer and candle lighting. A live stream event via Facebook and Zoom, honoring and celebrating the lives of transgender people taken from us in 2020.

Family Week: Hillel’s Mishpachah Shabbat Services


Every week, the Hillel community gathers for musical, pluralistic, egalitarian Shabbat services at 6 pm over Zoom. Hillel Professional Staff and student chairs of Religious Life lead warm, interactive, meaningful services. Stream with your family and Jewish students all over the country to experience our “haimish” (familiar and cozy) entry into a restorative break from the week.