
Although we can't gather together in your city this year, we can't wait to celebrate summer with you and ICUnity—virtually! Our annual ICUnity summer events provide the perfect opportunity to meet up with current and incoming students, alumni, and families in an informal setting before the academic year gets going.

ICUnity connects Ithaca College's underrepresented groups, including but not limited to students, alumni, families, and other campus community partners who have been historically underserved due to identity, orientation, ethnicity, disability, national origin, or religion, or who are the first generation of their families to attend college. ICUnity provides a network of dedicated academic and business professionals, opportunities for inclusive social interaction, and ways to improve intercultural communication between its members and allies.

We'll have a packed event filled with music, games, and great conversation. All members of the IC community are invited and encouraged to attend! Spread the word and invite as many IC friends as you'd like!