Social Media Manager, HASBRO

Andi Gladstone

Andi Gladstone knew that CMD was meant for her, but little did she know that the program and design concentration would impact her growth and provide a strong education in an industry that was yet to be called, well, an industry. Andi’s love for social media started on the Ithaca College campus and followed her in all campus activities from being a member of the campus social media team to running Creative Direction at HiFashion, standing as the VP for Circle K and the President of PRSSA (both of whose social media presence she established), as well as working at the Handwerker (on-campus gallery) and creating her own position in conjunction with the director as the Social Media Specialist.

After graduation, Andi worked at a small boutique ad agency in Boston (Cercone Brown Company) and later landed a job at Clarks Shoes at their US headquarters in MA and then on their global team (based in the UK). Most recently, Andi works at Hasbro HQ as the Senior Social Media Manger for all Preschool brands, with an emphasis on Play Doh. With an Art Minor from Ithaca, Andi was more prepared than she could ever imagine to play with Play Doh every day! Outside of work, Andi has also built up her personal presence on social media with her lifestyle brand Doses of Calm, sharing daily life, wellness, books, motherhood, and fostering a likeminded community.