Audition Data Sheet and Prepared Excerpts

file-outline JVE Audition DATA SHEET for 2023-2024 (pdf) - JVE Audition Data Sheet 2023_1.pdf (159.46 KB)

PDF version; please complete and give to Dr. White at the beginning of your audition time.

file-outline JVE Audition DATA SHEET for 2023-2024 -- WORD.docx format - JVE Audition Data Sheet 2023_1.docx (20.26 KB)

WORD.docx format (if you prefer this to a PDF); please complete and give to Dr. White at the beginning of your audition time.

file-outline Prepared excerpt #1: "Giant Steps" - Giant Steps (excerpt)_0.pdf (9.4 MB)

Prepared excerpt #1 for 2023; begin at letter E, sing through end of G. Follow the directions given on the excerpt.

file-outline Prepared excerpt #2: "The World Keeps You Waiting" - The World Keeps You Waiting (excerpt)_0.pdf (7.52 MB)

Prepared excerpt #2 for 2023; prepare measures 25–84. Follow the directions given on the excerpt.

file-outline Prepared excerpt #3a for SA voices: "Unraveled" (SSAA voicing) - Unraveled SSAA (excerpt)_0.pdf (708.46 KB)

Prepare measures 155–183. Read carefully the directions given on the excerpt, especially concerning rhythm and meter.

file-outline Prepared excerpt #3b for TB voices: "Warmth of the Sun" (TTBB voicing) - Warmth of the Sun TTBB (excerpt)_0.pdf (346.91 KB)

Prepare measures 21-32. Note the directions given on the excerpt.