Asma Barlas

Professor Emerita, Politics
School: School of Humanities and Sciences
Forthcoming Journal Articles

"Classical Religious Authority, Qur’anic Exegesis, and Muslim Women," Islamic Theology in the Digital Age, Justus Liebig University, Germany (2024).

"Muslim Women in Europe: In/between Worlds," Europe's Muslim Women, Muslim Women in Europe, Conference, Sigmund Freud University (2002).  Vienna Journal for Interdisciplinary Islamic Research in Europe (Forthcoming)

"In Defense of an Ungendered Theology: An Outline," Conference proceedings of Women, Religion and Human Rights (2002), Adyan Foundation, Lebanon (forthcoming).

"The Qur’an’s Sacrality, Authority and Normativity: Contrasting Approaches on Rights," Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (2001) (forthcoming).


"When Gender is a Problem in Islamic Theology and Qur'anic Exegesis," Forum: Islamic Theological Studies, Austria (2023).

“Developing a Dialogue between Muslim and Catholic Educators,” International Studies in Catholic Education, Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2022.

Published online on June 29, 2021).

"Reading the Word in a Foreign Tongue: Islam's Scripture and non-Arab Muslims," WORD, Journal of the International Linguistic Association, Vol. 65,1 (Spring, 2019).

"Secular and Feminist Critiques of the Qur'an: Anti-Hermeneutics as Liberation?" Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Fall, 2016).

Uncrossed Bridges: Islam, Feminism, and Secular Democracy, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Special Issue: Reset-Dialogues Istanbul Seminars 2012, Vol. 39, No. 4/5, May 2013.“Teaching Islam in the West,” Dialogue Australasia, No. 28, November 2012.

September 11, 2001: Remember Forgetting,” Journal of Political Theology, Vol. 12, No. 5, October 2011.

"Abraham's Sacrifice in the Qur'an: Beyond the Body," Conference proceedings, Religion and the Body, Donner Institute for Research in the History of Religion, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (2011).

"Still Quarrelling over the Qur’an: Five interventions," ISIM Review (Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World), Autumn, 2007.

Teaching about Islam and Women: On Pedagogy and the Personal,Intercultural Education, Special Issue, Vol. 18, November 2007.

"Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur'an: Beyond the Binaries of Tradition and Modernity," American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2007 (Vol. 24, No. 2).

"Qur’anic Hermeneutics and Sexual Politics," Cardozo Law Review, October 2006 (28: 1, pp. 143-151).

"A Requiem for Voicelessness: Pakistanis and Muslims in the US," WADAGU: A Journal of Transnational Women's & Gender Studies, Spring 2004 (Vol 1, No. 1).

"Jihad = Holy War = Terrorism: The Politics of Conflation and Denial," The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter, 2003 (20:1, pp. 46-62).

"Muslim Women and Sexual Oppression: Reading Liberation from the Qur'an," Macalester International, 2001 (Vol. 10). Posted on my website with permission from Macalester College, MN.


"Patriarchalism and the Qur’an."

In Cesare Cuttica and Gaby Mahlberg (eds.), Patriarchal Moments, Bloomsbury Academic's Series, Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought, U.K., 2015.


In Adrian Thatcher (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Theology, Sexuality and Gender, Oxford University Press, 2015.

"Does the Qur'an Support Gender Equality, or, Do I have the Autonomy to Answer this Question?"

In Marjo Buitelaar and Monique Bernards (eds.), Islam and Autonomy, (Leuven, the Netherlands: Peeters, 2013).

"Embodying Islam and Muslims: Religious and Secular Inscriptions."

In Marius Timmann Mjaaland, Ola Sigurdson and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (eds.), The Body Unbound (U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2010).

“’Holding Fast by the Best in the Precepts:’ the Qur’an and Method.”

In Kari Vogt et al. (eds.), New Directions in Islamic Thought (London: I.B. Tauris, 2008).

“Engaging Islamic Feminism: Provincializing Feminism as a Master Narrative.”

In Anitta Kynsilheto (ed.) Islamic Feminism: Current Perspectives, (Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finland, 2008).

“Women’s and Feminist Readings of the Qur’an.”

In Jane McAuliffe (ed.), Cambridge Companion to the Qur’an (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

“Reviving Islamic Universalism: East/s, West/s, and Coexistence.”

In Abdul Said et. al (eds.), Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, Not Static (Routledge, 2006).

“Globalizing Equality: Muslim Women, Theology, and Feminisms.”

In Fera Simone (ed.), On Shifting Ground: Muslim Women in the Global Era (NY: Feminist Press, 2005).

"Amina Wadud's Hermeneutics of the Qur'an."

In Suha Taji-Faruqi (ed.), Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur'an (Oxford University Press, 2004).


“Challenging Violence against Muslim Women,” Foreword for Pamela Cross, Violence Against Women,Toronto, Canada, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, 2013.

“The Antinomies of ‘Feminism’ and ‘Islam:’” the Limits of a Marxist Analysis," Middle East Women’s Studies Review; Vol. xviii, Nos. 1-2, Spring/Summer, 2003.

“The Uses and Abuses of Muslim History in Explaining Islam,” review of Empire and Elites after the Muslim Conquest: The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia, Chase F. Robinson (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2002); American Journal of  Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 20: 1, 2003.