Tristen Jarvis

Assistant Professor, Music Performance
School: School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Mock First-Year Schedule

file-outline (Mock First-Year Schedule) - ic-mock-first-year-bass-performance-schedule.pdf (671.27 KB)

At the beginning of each semester, I will hand out Self-Management Practice Handbooks which contain a blank copy of this schedule. The idea is that you will handwrite your classes in Pen, as they are obviously permanent and cannot be changed once you're registered and "into the swing of things." However, your practice time is something that we also treat like a class, but with the acknowledgement that there can be some flexibility as to when/ how long your practice sessions are as you evolve as an artist-professional through the semester. Thus, you will handwrite when you plan on practicing in pencil, so that any time you can alter it if that works into your life better (that's why they are marked in red + italics in this mock schedule).

Another feature I want to bring your attention to is the amount of space in this schedule. I believe strongly in the science of deliberate breaks and strategic activity at specific points in the day as they intersect with your natural circadian/ ultradian biological rhythms - thus, anywhere you see a space is where I would advise you to input a "health + wellness" activity for yourself. This includes when you plan to eat, when to do any physical activity/ exercise, meditation, homework, go outside, nap, etc. These are elements to your life that make you as much as an artist as your technical ability on the instrument. You bring who you are to the instrument, and that person comes out in sonic expression. I'm convinced that the healthier that person is, the better the sound will be.

One other short note about space - while this mock schedule doesn't list anything on Saturday or Sunday, it is expected that you will still practice your instrument/ study/ do homework and perhaps other academic requirements on the weekend. However, as stated in my Letter to Prospective Students, I also expect that once every single week you will take a full 24-hour period away from your instrument. That often happens to be Saturday or Sunday, and can also be fluid and change depending if you have a concert on a Sunday afternoon vs. a Saturday night.

If you have any questions about this schedule, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will be excited to discuss more about this!