Current Research
Accuracy of estimates of maximum oxygen consumption
Ph.D. University of Tennessee (1992): Physiology
M.S. University of Tennessee (1988): Zoology
B.A. Vanderbilt University (1983): History
Courses Taught:
ESS 32100 Exercise Physiology and Lab
ESSG 54000 Physiological Mechanisms of Exercise
ESSG 54300 Tests and Measurements
Research Interests:
Factors that affect human performance
Recent Grants/Publications:
Stray-Gundersen, S., A. Chandler, T. Meuwissen, G. Mastrofini, B. Lints, S. Arent, & T. Swensen: Abdominal fatigue impairs anaerobic but not aerobic cycling performance in untrained adults. Physical education, sport and health culture in modern society, 1(65), 53–59, 2024.
Harnish, C., T. Swensen , and D. King: Methodological changes to alactic time estimation failed to improve the reliability of the 15-s maximal lactate accumulation rate (VLamax) test for cycling. Journal of Science and Cycling, 13:1, 91-96, 2024
Harnish, C.R., T. Swensen, and D. King: Reliability of the 15-s maximal lactate accumulation rate (VLamax) test for cycling. Physiologia 3, 542–551, 2023.
Pryor, J.L., S.T. Wolf, A. Sforzo, A., and T. Swensen: The effect of betaine on nitrate and cardiovascular response to exercise. International Journal of Exercise Science 10(4): 550-559, 2017.
Lembke, P., J. Capodice, K. Herbert, and T. Swensen: Influence of omega-3 index on performance and wellbeing in young adults after heavy eccentric exercise. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 13:151-156, 2014.
Pryor, J.L., AS. Craig, and T. Swensen: Effect of betaine on cycling sprint power. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 9:12, 2012.
Benson, A., J. Abendroth-Smith, D. King, and T. Swensen: Comparison of rowing on a Concept 2 stationary and dynamic ergometer. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10:267-273, 2011.
Cowley, P.M, S. Fitzgerald, K. Sottung, and T. Swensen: Age, weight, and the front abdominal power test as predictors of isokinetic trunk strength and work capacity in young men and women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 23(3):915–925, 2009
Cowley, P.M. and T. Swensen: Development and Reliability of Two Core Stability Field Tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 22(2):619-624, 2008.
John, D., G.A. Sforzo, and T. Swensen: Monitoring exercise heart rate using manual palpation. Health and Fitness Journal, 11(6):14-18, 2007.
Cowley, P.M., T. Swensen, and G.A. Sforzo: Efficacy of instability resistance training. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(10):829-835, 2007.
Gross, M, D. King, and T. Swensen: Nonconsecutive-versus consecutive-day high-intensity interval training in cyclists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(9):1666-1671, 2007.
Harnish, C.R., T. Swensen, and D. King: Effect of cycling position on oxygen uptake and preferred cadence in trained cyclists during hill climbing at various power outputs. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 99:387–391, 2007.
Watson, G. and T. Swensen: Effects of altering pedal cadence on cycling time trial performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 27(4): 296–300, 2006.