Student Employment Enhancement Network (SEE)

A campus-wide effort that seeks to promote and improve professional development and employment outcomes for Ithaca College student employees.

Welcome to IC’s Student Employment Enhancement Network (SEE)! The following document is a tool for achieving our goal of preparing student employees to be professionals through inclusive and learning-based mentorship and development. We, the IC Experiential Learning Alliance’s SEE Steering Committee, are here to support you as SEE Participants. We have designed this process with flexibility in mind to help you work toward Student Employment Enhancement goals, as they fit within your department. We recommend that you follow the steps below and upon completion, stay in touch with us for additional support and fun networking opportunities!  

SEE for yourself!

SEE Steering Committee – Group of faculty and staff supervisors of student employees from across campus who plan and implement the goals and initiatives of the Student Employment Enhancement Network. Serve as leaders, facilitate programs, create & implement strategy, manage internal and external communications. Work together to enhance the mission of student employment and experiential learning at Ithaca College.  

SEE Network – Any supervisor of student employees at Ithaca College.

  • Supervisors further develop valuable professional skills in supervision, establish a network of support and shared resources among student supervisors on campus, and are able to identify how their students grow, develop, and leave ready for their careers.  

  • Supervisors will learn how to train and supervise student employees with intentionality, contributing to the growth of student employees and the success of the department. 

  • Supervisors will foster a meaningful employment experience for students that connects them to the Ithaca College community and prepares them for professional opportunities after college.  

  • Supervisors will gain access to recruitment opportunities that will enhance their recruiting efforts 

ELA Mission Statement 

  • The Experiential Learning Alliance (ELA) brings together campus partners who are motivated to positively impact students’ experiential learning by creating intentional student development components, enhancing collaborative efforts and facilitating integrated experiences. 

SEE Mission Statement 

  • The Student Employment Enhancement Network (SEE) supports the ELA mission through turning student employment into a high-impact practice by providing training, resources and support for supervisors of student employees.  

  • SEE initiatives contribute to the Ithaca College goal of becoming a model for student success, engagement, and well-being to help students develop their unique potential. The SEE Network will directly contribute as it pertains to enrollment, recruitment, retention, experiential learning, and engagement.  

  • Create, promote and improve professional development and employment outcomes for Ithaca College student employees 

  1. Learning: To ensure meaningful student employment, learning should be at the core of the experience. SEE recommends incorporating learning outcomes into every step of the student employment experience from position description to hiring, orientation, training, and performance review.  

  2. Inclusion: SEE believes in making student employment experiences and environments welcoming, personalized, and inclusive. SEE recommends incorporating inclusive language, attitudes and behaviors throughout recruitment, hiring, orientation, training, and performance supervision.  

  3. Mentoring: SEE believes that incorporating mentorship, role modeling, and strategic networking into supervision is necessary to fully support student employee development by demonstrating the values, attitudes, and competencies on which the student employees will be evaluated and by establishing lasting professional partnerships.

Get Involved!

SEE and HR/Student Employment are partnering to bring you resources and professional development opportunities to enhance your supervision of student employees. 

Join the ELA Student SUPERvision Team for opportunities to network and share best practices with our growing community of SEE Participants. SEE encourages you to post questions and share comments on the SUPERvision Team, since there are many colleagues who can serve as helpful collaborators.  

SEE will host monthly events and workshops that you may find helpful for networking and resource gathering. Traditionally SEE has hosted a summer summit for more in-depth professional development.  

Review the HR Student Supervisors website to learn about the role student supervisors, play in mentoring and leading our generation's next thinkers, innovators, and workers. Find out how to build jobs, supervise your student workforce and to create experiential learning opportunities to benefit students in their learning and development. 

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