Are mental health and wellness your kind of thing?

By Brittany Watros, April 7, 2022

If mental health and wellness are your thing, the JED Campus Initiative needs your help!

This semester’s Stop and Breathe Week is quickly approaching, and we are still on the hunt for programs/events, that are being held, the week of Saturday April 30th through Friday May 6th. Specifically, ones that focus on mental health, wellness, mindfulness, destress activities, etc. 

If you’ve been wanting to hold a program, that can really make a difference on campus, Stop and Breathe Week is the perfect time to hold that program. 

The JED Campus Initiative is working on highlighting and utilizing talent, and resources, that already exist on campus to help us meet goals, we have set, that are guided by recommendations provided by the JED foundation. These recommendations are based on student responses about mental health and wellness on IC's campus. Students submitted these responses in Spring 2021, during the Healthy Minds Survey. Additionally, a full campus assessment was completed by the JED Foundation, to supplement the survey. We will host the Healthy Minds Survey once again in 2024, to see the impact made by our campus efforts.

Here is a link for submitting a program to be featured during Stop and Breathe Week, as well as link to more information on the JED Campus Initiative here at Ithaca College. 

 Stay tuned, as we will begin sharing our schedule for Stop and Breathe Week, as it grows and grows.

Some exciting things, already planned, include a Sensory Space in Campus Center to unwind, decompress, and escape the fast paced, overstimulation of campus. Additionally, there will be a wellness themed scavenger hunt, craft events, yoga classes, meditation sessions, and much more!

Also, we are excited for the great return of IC Kicks Back, a well-known campus tradition, where the entire IC community can come together to destress and celebrate the end of the semester!! 

Stop and Breathe


Please contact:

Brittany Watros

Chair of JED Campus Initiative's Student Engagement & Outreach Committee


Feel free to send me an email with any events that you know are happening during that week, that you think would be great for the schedule or to share any ideas you have! 

Thank you so much for everyone's help in making this a successful program each semester.