Patricia Zimmermann Delivers Invited Talk at Hamilton College

By Patricia Zimmermann, May 15, 2022

Patricia Zimmermann delivers a talk on the historical significance of documentary filmmaker William Greaves


Patricia Zimmermann, Charles A. Dana Professor of Screen Studies and Director of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF), delivered an invited talk and post-screening dialogue on William Greaves and his magnum opus transmedia documentary project, Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey (2002) at Hamilton College on May 8, 2022. 

The lecture marked the 20th anniversary of this important film and transmedia project on Bunche (1904-1971), an important figure in diplomacy, international human rights, civil rights, and Black intellectual thought who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his brokering of mediation in Israel in the late 1940s for the United Nations.

FLEFF 2022 featured a major retrospective on William Greaves (1926-2014), the African American documentary filmmaker who produced and directed over 75 films during his life. The festival collaborated with the Ithaca College library to purchase seventeen Greaves films for the FLEFF library series.