IC Athletic Training Program has big impact at regional meeting

By Jennifer McKeon, January 30, 2023

Over winter break, 16 undergraduate students from the IC Athletic Training Program attended the 75th annual Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association (EATA) convention in Boston, MA. Seniors Grace Isaksen & Allison Egan presented on “A Recalcitrant Hand Injury in a High School Football Player: An Exploratory Clinical CASE Report” with co-authors Kelsey Rosenblum (Ithaca High School Athletic Trainer) and Monika Radloff (Cayuga Medical Team Physician).

Seniors Ayenaliz Velasquez, Caroline Peyron, and Kailey Collins presented “The Impact of Dry Cupping Therapy on Pain and Functional Disability in Patients with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Critically Appraised Topic”.

Caroline Peyron was awarded an EATA scholarship, while Allison Egan and Kailey Collins were both awarded scholarships from the NYS Athletic Trainers’ Association. All 3 were recognized at the conference.

AT clinical education coordinator, Patrick McKeon, served as mentor for both projects and as a moderator at the conference.

AT program director, Jennifer McKeon, chairs the EATA continuing education & compliance committee for this conference.