Student Organization Travel

All student organization travel must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement and the organization's advisor. Any time a student leaves the city of Ithaca for student-organization-related business, it is considered student org travel and must be authorized.

Please review your Student Organization Handbook for the most up to date information and policies on Student Organization travel.

In order to travel, student organizations MUST:

Travel stamp on map

Travel Reminders:

Travel reminders on post it note
  • Absolutely NO purchases or reservations may be made until you have received full approval from OSE. You will NOT be reimbursed for purchases made for unapproved travel.
  • All airfare must be purchased with the Student Organizations Business Coordinator via the college's required Collegiate Travel Planners system. 
  • Don't forget to reserve a Travel Credit Card for your travel. You will pick this up the day before departure.
  • Do you need a college car for transportation? Reserve it through facilities here.