Liturgical Ministry

Your service enables us to celebrate Mass together. Thank you!

The liturgies of the Church are the shared responsibility of all the baptized. The primary minister is the assembled community itself. From this group are chosen presiders, lectors, musicians, acolytes, sacristans, ministers of hospitality, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Descriptions of the various roles and responsibilities can be found below.

For more information, please email Matthew Hall (mh968).

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Please log in to the Ministry Scheduler Pro web portal and update your profile (preferred ministries, preferred service times, unavailable times, etc.). If you have trouble logging in or do not know if you are enrolled as a liturgical minister, please contact Matthew Hall.

Volunteer for Liturgical Ministry

Thank you for volunteering! Please set up an account with Ministry Scheduler Pro. (Please do not create a new account if you are a returning volunteer. If you are not sure, contact please contact Matthew Hall.)

Ministry Descriptions

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the sacred assembly, making God’s presence known. Lectors must be baptized. They are scheduled to read approximately every three weeks during the semester and as available on Holy Days and during academic breaks. Responsibilities include prayerful preparation and study of Scripture and diligent practice for the accurate and reverent proclamation of assigned readings. Ongoing participation in training once a semester is required, regardless of previous experience. For each training, you will be prepare a reading and must be open to receive constructive criticism.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are fully initiated Catholics—have received Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion—who assist the clergy in reverently distributing the Eucharist during Mass and occasionally at other times. Responsibilities include a commitment to prayer and regular participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Ongoing training and a diocesan commission are required for all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, regardless of previous training or service in this ministry in other parishes or dioceses.

Sacristans set up Muller Chapel during the 30 minutes prior to Mass and clean up and store liturgical items for about 15 minutes after Mass. They must be attentive to detail, reliable, and generally able to serve on a biweekly basis. Sacristans are also called upon to assist at special Masses and Holy Days, especially during Holy Week.

Acolytes assist the clergy by serving in the sanctuary—by holding the missal and by helping to prepare the altar and sacred vessels before and after the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The ministries of Sacristan and Acolyte are usually fulfilled by the same persons.

The purpose of music ministry is to lead and coordinate the sung praise of the liturgical assembly.

The psalmist proclaims the Word of God from the ambo, helping the congregation to meditate on scripture through his or her own deep understanding of the scripture, a correct and clear pronunciation, an unhurried delivery, and pleasant and tuneful singing. The cantor and choir lead the assembly's responses and hymns. The keyboardist accompanies the singing. He or she leads the congregational singing without dominating or overpowering them.

“Even when listening to…the singing of the choir, the assembly continues to participate actively as they ‘unite themselves interiorly to what the ministers or choir sing, so that by listening to them they may raise their minds to God.’” (Musicam sacram, no. 15; Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, no. 12)

Hospitality ministers are also known as greeters or ushers. Their responsibilities include welcoming parishioners, distributing hymnals and bulletins, counting out the hosts at the Preparation of the Gifts, assisting with the collection, and directing the Communion procession—as well as taking a leadership role in the event of an emergency. Hospitality ministers should be friendly, outgoing, quick thinking, and unafraid to act on their own initiative.