Luca on campus

Luca Maurer

Executive Director for Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Student Equity and Belonging
Office: Job Hall 221, Ithaca, NY 14850

Luca Maurer is the Executive Director for Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging and teaches in the Sociology department. He was the first adjunct to receive Ithaca College's highest academic honor, the Faculty Excellence Award. He holds the Certified Student Affairs Educator (CSAEd) credential. 

His multidisciplinary collaborations with Ithaca College students are wide-ranging and have earned the Exemplary Program award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), the Research Recognition and Social Justice Collaboration awards from the American College Personnel Association (ACPA), and the American Historical Association Committee on LGBT History Allan Bérubé Prize for outstanding work in public or community-based history. 

He has written a variety of books, journal articles, chapters, and curricula, and co-authored the Teaching Transgender Toolkit, an award-winning book about the lives and experiences of transgender people for which he and his co-author received the American Psychological Association’s Division 44 Distinguished Contribution to Education and Training Award. Resources from the toolkit were featured in the pages of National Geographic and USA Today. 

He has worked across the United States and abroad with students and teachers, families and caregivers, faith communities, workplaces large and small, and professionals in education, social services, law enforcement, healthcare and more. His research interests include diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, LGBTQ themes, intersectionality, global health, disability, and interactive learning tools for teaching often erased community histories.