Community Service

Localist ID

IC Kick Back to Give Back

Campus Center

Teams of three to five will compete in a series of 10 "Minute to Win It"-style events featuring trivia and entertainment. Contestants earn points for their team by competing in various events. The prize pool will be donated to a charity fo the winning team's choosing. Previous years teams played on behalf of organizations such as the SPCA, Loaves and Fishes, and the Sciencenter. Each team's registration fee is $25 and each peson on the team will receive an official I Love IC Week t-shirt.

Mother Nature: Giving Back

North Entereance to the Natural Lands (Behind Boothroyd Hall!)

Take a deep breath of fresh air as we walk through the natural lands! We will be collecting any trash seen, as well as learning about how nature time boosts mental health! RAs Bella and Ernst will meet you all at the North Enterance to the Natural Lands behind Boothroyd Hall! See you there!


*completely FREE event!

Service Saturdays - December 7 2019

Ithaca, NY

Sites for December 7 2019 will include:

Books Thru Bars - IC Books Thru Bars is a books-to-prisoners program dedicated to providing free books to those who are incarcerated all over the United States. Our mission is to maintain an operational program which sends reading literature to incarcerated individuals as well as raise issues about the prison industrial complex

10am - 12pm (8 volunteers)