Have a suggestion to improve retention? Want a consultation from REST? Contact us.
Student Retention
What Would You Like to Do?
Support, Engage, or Challenge a Student
Strategies for programs and individuals to support and engage students academically and co-curricularly and to navigate barriers
Try a Retention Strategy
Strategies for individuals, departments, and others to improve student retention through teaching, advising, and relationships.
Learn About Retention
Data and information about retention at Ithaca College.
How to Share Concerns About a Student
iCare Alert
If you're concerned about a student's well-being, please consider submitting an ICare referral
Academic Alert
If you're concerned about a student's academics, please consider submitting an Academic Alert
Helping Students in Distress
A list of resources available to help a student who is in distress

About REST
The Retention and Engagement Strategy Team is a group of faculty, staff, and administrators who design and lead strategies for supporting student success and retention at Ithaca College. Please contact us if you have an idea for supporting students or would like to have us work with you, your department, programs, or non-academic unit in selecting, designing, and enacting retention strategies.