How to Prepare for Your Presentation

  • Dress professionally.
  • Practice your speech several times.
  • Speak clearly and loudly enough so everyone in the room can hear (especially those in the back row).
  • Have someone observe and comment while you practice.
  • Be sure to provide an introduction and conclusion to let you audience know what they can expect.
  • Transition smoothly through each main idea.
  • Incorporate visuals (see below).
  • Practice your speech several times.
  • Don’t read the text on your presentation slides word for word.
  • Make good use of space, and anticipate transitions.
  • Make eye contact with audience members.
  • Be animated; gesture naturally.
  • Use your voice to communicate enthusiasm: project and monitor your pace.
  • Remain alert to the moderator's signal for time.

Have a backup plan (in case presentations before yours run over or under time, etc.)

  • Have backups of everything:
    • hard copy
    • pdf
    • Copy on a flash drive, email, or Smartphone

Stay relaxed and have fun!

Practicing Your Presentation

Practice rooms will be available in 30-minute blocks on (dates to be determined), from 8 am – 5 pm. Rooms will include computers and projectors to provide the look and feel of the room in which you will be presenting on the day of the Whalen Symposium.

To schedule practice time, email; specify “Room request: [your email address]” as the email subject, and include your desired practice time(s).