I am the co-president of Pulse Hip-Hop and have hopes to collaborate with other dance groups in the Ithaca area, teach classes, and strengthen my connections with the arts community on and off campus. My passion to lift up BIPOC voices will carry me through the year and will inspire the work I will do as the community chair liaison for PODER, the Latinx club on campus. During our meetings we discuss how to keep the Hispanic culture alive and how we can make our experiences on campus that much greater. I will continue to be the host on Blacklisted, the only entertainment show on ICTV that focuses on Black issues, music trends, and fun gossip. I have worked with the Black Girls Don’t Get Love non-profit to bring their events to life. Working there has provided me with the opportunity to make the world more inclusive and to empower the voices of young, Black girls from all over the country. All in all, creating safer spaces for the BIPOC community is what I plan to focus and expand on this year.