Olivia Rietti

Olivia Rietti

This semester I’m excited to dive back into the Ithaca Community. I’m fortunate enough to have an off-campus house this year, giving me the opportunity to stay in Ithaca even through online classes. I plan on taking advantage of this by continuing my local hands-on service with Habitat for Humanity, and also developing new service at the Women’s Opportunity Center. I’m also excited to fully dive back into filmmaking as I produce my thesis film. Outside of classes, I’m working as the Video Editor for Passion Project, a student-run club focused on fostering creative projects outside of academics. In this club, students have the opportunity to join and work with others to produce their own vision whether it be an article, photos, podcasts, artwork, short films, etc. I’m also excited to further expand my work with electronic music producers by remotely working as the Content Media Intern for Saint Punk’s management team. Saint Punk is an electronic music producer based out of LA. All in all, I’m eager to see what else my Senior year has to offer!