Minor Requirements for Fall 2023 and Thereafter:

  This is the minor for anyone adding the Legal Studies Minor as of Fall 2023.  This is a five course sequence (4 credits each), totaling 18-20 credits:

  • Foundations in Law and Justice course;
  • a Legal Studies course at the 300-level;
  • Three courses from this list of options:
  1. Juvenile Delinquency, or Definitions of Normality;
  2. Topics in Media Law and Policy, or Legal Environment of Business;
  3. Philosophical Problems in the Law;
  4. Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties, or Supreme Court in U.S. Politics;
  5. Japanese Americans & Mass Incarceration, or Policing the Borderlands

Minor Requirements for those students who have had the minor since before Summer, 2023, when we revised the curriculum. This is a six course sequence (3 credits each), totaling 18 credits:

  1. Foundations in Law and Justice course;
  2. Choose one: Legal Environment of Business I;  Juvenile Delinquency; Law and Media;
  3. Choose two Legal Studies courses at the 300-level and above;
  4. Choose two:  Courses tagged with a Legal Studies minor attribute: dozens of classes spread across Ithaca College.

True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others.

Jonathan Sacks