Jared Amory ’15 • Philosophy

Jared Amory ’15 is entertaining several partially to fully funded offers of acceptance into law school. New England Law in Boston is acknowledging his “exceptional academic credentials and leadership potential with a Full-Tuition Justice Sandra Day O’Conner Merit Scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year”. The admission director added a personal note at the bottom of the acceptance letter: “Your background in philosophy will be an asset to you in law school!” In the meantime, Jared has joined Wu Mountain Tea Company, a start-up in Boulder, where “as a recent graduate in philosophy, he has been essential in creating the vision behind their amazing product.”

Well, it's been four long years. I'm so grateful to all my professors who pushed me to challenge my thinking and expand the way I look at the world around me. A HUGE shout out to the Philosophy & Religion Department at Ithaca College for taking this PT under their wing and allowing me to disconnect from my science thought process. Thank you, Rachel Wagner, for doing research with me and allowing me to further share my love for religion with my peers...

Rachel G. '15

...The philosophy department at Ithaca College is first rate. I was more than adequately prepared for new, more advanced material, and from what I can tell, much more prepared than most other first year philosophy graduate students. So...a thank you to everyone in the department... And congrats on such a great department.

Paul D. '06